Vår relation till naturen - ett nexus för mänsklig, ekologisk och planetär hållbarhet, samt resiliens vid kriser


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Naturmiljö, samhällsplanering, kris, resiliens, hälsa, kognition, mental prestation, mental hälsa.


Access to and contact with natural environments is associated with both better mental and physical health, with positive effects on several aspects of well-being, cognitive performance and creativity, and recovery from mental strain, and is also associated with lower redemption of psychotropic prescription medications. Access to and contact with nature is also an important resilience factor during crises, such as the covid-19 pandemic. Protection and regeneration of natural environments, including green and blue environments, and promoting contact with nature both inside and outside city boarders, and working actively for the integration of nature into the design of our living environments and lifestyles, are thus central to human, social and environmental sustainability and planetary health, biodiversity, and resilience to crises such as pandemics and climate change.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Cecilia Ulrika Dagsdotter Stenfors