Utbildning av hållbara vårdgivare förutsättning för hållbara sjukvårdssystem och samhällen


Stress affects performance, patient safety and work environment in healthcare. During crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic can high workload and work under time pressure, with limited resources, when difficult decisions need to be made, lead to morally stressful situations, which can lead to moral distress. In turn can unmanaged moral distress result in stress-related ill-health and burnout. It is therefore important that students in healthcare already during their training can experience how they are affected by stress and learn to identify morally challenging situations, that they can practice stress management methods, and apply them in simulated emergency medical situations. In addition to knowledge about individual stress, insights are needed about how stress can be generated based on structural/organizational conditions, that may need to be addressed instead of or in parallel with efforts at individual or group level.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Docent Walter Osika, Professor Eva Bojner Horwitz, Dr Manta Okas, Professor Mats Ericson, Doktorand, sjuksköterska Martina Gustavson, AT-läkare Peter Benisch, Dr Mini Ruiz