Mistrust and struggles: Experiences of contacts with the Social Insurance Agency among people on sick leave


This study is concerned with trust in and encounters with the sickness insurance system among people on sick leave. The analysis is based on a survey (N=1152) with questions about trust, how well the system works, how well the Sickness Insurance Agency manages its task, and 583 responses to an open question. The results point to low trust on the system both among those granted and denied sickness benefits. The study also illustrates problems related to hostile and suspicious encounters and the legitimacy of the system. A policy paradox is identified, where the system risks creating and maintaining illness and disability rather than supporting the sick-listed back to work. The study points to a need to enhance the system’s trust in peoples’ willingness to contribute to their rehabilitation process.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Christian Ståhl, Elin Karlsson