Våga fråga och agera! Undervisnings- och lärandeaktiviteter om mäns våld mot kvinnor och våld i nära relationer i sjuksköterskeprogrammet vid Röda Korsets Högskola



In 2017 a new national qualitative learning target, i.e., to “show knowledge about men’s violence against women and violence in close relationships” (SFS 2017: 857) was introduced into the Swedish higher Education Ordinance for certain educational programmes including nursing. This paper aims to describe the implementation of the national qualitative learning target in the undergraduate nursing programme at the Swedish Red Cross University College. An overview of relevant teaching and learning activities and how they are organised throughout the programme syllabus are first presented, followed by a presentation of the didactic model, Dare to Ask! The Dare to Ask! model is a summary of the Swedish Red Cross University approach, i.e., a step-by-step progression from facts, figures, and the role of societal norms and values,  to recognising signs of abuse in complex clinical situations as well as the courage to act. In conclusion, we believe that a clearly laid out structure is important for achieving the intentions of the national qualitative degree target, which is to: Dare to Ask and Act!

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Copyright (c) 2021 Leah Emegwa, Stéphanie Paillard-Borg, Inger Wallin Lundell, Anna Stålberg, Maria Åling, Gabriella Ahlenius, Henrik Eriksson