ABC for mental sundhed i Danmark – eksempler på mental sundhedsfremme blandt unge
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ABCs of mental health
mental health promotion
young people
mental health


Abstract – Dansk

Det er gået i den forkerte retning med befolkningens mentale sundhed igennem de seneste årtier – særligt blandt børn og unge. Hvis den negative udvikling skal vendes, er der behov for mental sundhedsfremme som supplement til forebyggelse og behandling af psykisk sygdom. ABC for mental sundhed tilbyder tre enkle forskningsbaserede handleanvisninger til at styrke sin egen og andres mentale sundhed.

Formålet med artiklen er at give en introduktion til ABC for mental sundhed og give konkrete eksempler på, hvordan rammen er omsat til praksis blandt unge i Danmark.

ABC for mental sundhed har vist sig at være en god ramme for at arbejde med mental sundhed, som har potentiale til at fremme mental sundhed blandt børn og unge. Der er behov for yderligere forskning i længerevarende og omfattende tiltag rettet mod unge.


Abstract - English

Mental health has been declining over the past decades – especially among children and adolescents. If this negative development is to be changed, there is a need for mental health promotion as a supplement to prevention and treatment of mental illness. The ABCs of mental health offer three simple evidence-based messages to strengthen own and others mental health.

The aim of this paper is to give a short introduction to the ABCs and present specific examples on how ABC has been translated from theory to practice among young people in Denmark.

The ABCs of mental health has shown to be a promising frame for working with mental health with the potential to promote mental health among children and adolescents. Further research in long-term and extensive initiatives among young people is needed.


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