Konsten att möta människor i svåra situationer


Artikeln beskriver hur EDHEP – European Donor Hospital Education Program – ett internationellt undervisningsprogram kan hjälpa hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal att vinna insikt i hur de själva reagerar på plötslig oväntad död och hur de kan bemöta anhöriga till lämpliga givare av organ och vävnader. EDHEP är en anpassning till svenska förhållanden av ett internationellt undervisningsprogram.
This article describes how EDHEP – European Donor Hospital Education Program – as a training programme can help professionals within the health care system to meet the relatives in situations where there is a possibility of organ donation. In this article we strongly emphasize awareness of the empathy process and insight in the ethical issues concerning sudden death and organ donation. General human knowledge of how people respond and react in difficult situations Emotional training in empathy – the ability to understand and feel with each individual family’s situation and at the same time remain deeply rooted in your life as a professional Self-knowledge, i.e. an understanding of their own life stories, reactions and belief systems, is required. Doctors and nurses are using themselves as “instruments” in these situations, where neither standard phrases nor preset questions apply. We are using simple but insightful tasks: video clips and role-play, pointing out the importance of dealing with people’s feelings and thoughts around both sudden, unexpected death as well as the option of organ donation. These pedagogical aids or tools are only there to release and communicate to each other, by using the personnel’s gathered experiences, how to take care of the family in these difficult situations.
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