"It is bloody boring to do the same thing over and over again"
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Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser, jobbengasjement, sosial støtte, autonomi, jobb-familie balanse.


The Norwegian Armed Forces have not achieved their aim of employing 20% women in military positions. Work engagement is emphasized as an important factor for preventing employees to quit work. The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate which factors Norwegian female officers in the Norwegian Army highlight as important for their work engagement. We interviewed twelve female officers in depth. The findings indicate that an active job, social support (from men), work-home balance and career adaptation to phases of life are important for the work engagement of female officers. Gradually in their careers, the army’s peace-keeping role appear to be important. The study shows that the army should develop their human resource management policy with adaptation to life phases for their officers.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Steffen Torp, Berit Valås, Liv Hanson Ausland