Socionomers förutsättningar för ett systematiskt arbetssätt? Organisatoriska hinder i arbetet med ASI Uppföljning
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Socialt arbete, Systematisk uppföljning, Addiction Severity Index, Evidensbaserad praktik


In the systematic work of following up on the needs of individuals with alcohol or drug related problems, the Addiction Severity Index follow-up interview plays a central role. In this descriptive cross-sectional study, we investigate how demographic, occupational, and organizational factors are related to the propensity of professional social workers to work with the ASI follow-up interview. The study includes 135 professional social workers who work to assess and follow up on the needs of individuals with alcohol or drug related problems. Lack of competence emerges as being associated with a lower likelihood of working with the ASI follow-up interview. To increase the propensity of employees to work with ASI follow-up, managers and other people in leadership positions should facilitate continued learning.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Marcus Blom Nilsson, Robert Grahn, Emil Wijk