Multisensoriskt musikdrama – Ett pedagogiskt arbetssätt för personer med flerfunktionsnedsättning


Multisensory Music Drama (MSMD) is an educational approach where elements from music therapy (e.g. reciprocity, sensitivity and musical interaction) are combined in a dramatized narrative supported by multisensory stimulation. The approach is developed for students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (S/PIMD), i.e., a group of students with the most profound disabilities and for whom relatively little pedagogical research is available. Experience and research suggest that supporting engagement and attentiveness are important, since these behaviors are prerequisites for development and learning. MSMD is currently evaluated in two research studies in compulsory schools for students with S/PIMD, with promising results. In this article, the rationale for and the aim of the approach are described. A step-by-step description is provided of how to create a MSMD for individuals of all ages with S/PIMD.

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