Aspects of quality of life, social capital, and mental health among Swedish reindeer-herding Sami


This study explored some aspects of quality of life, mental health and social capital among reindeer-herding (RH) Sami in Sweden. A questionnaire was distributed by the chairman in the 43 Sami communities, to their members. One reference group from urban and one from rural areas in the core part of the RH area also responded to the questionnaire. The RH Sami reported significantly lower trust in health care staff than the reference groups, they also felt more appreciated in their domestic milieu and appreciated their daily life to a greater degree than the reference groups. RH Sami in the northern part reported significantly better mental health and higher ability to manage life compared to RH Sami in the south.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Anette Edin-Liljegren, Lars