Linking Critical Social Innovation and Health Promotion – Reflections on a Project Working with Young Marginalized Mothers in the Outskirts of Denmark
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Critical social innovation
health promotion
young mothers
social relations


There has been a remarkable lack of both studies and discussions of social innovation in health promotion literature. In the light thereof, this article pursues three interlinked goals. First, it presents a mainstream conception of social innovation and a more critical strand of social innovation literature depicted as relevant for health promotion. This is done by conceptualizing social innovation as needs-based health promotion. Second this perspective is used to analyze a case of health promotion at the local level. The case is based on interviews and observations from a project dealing with the diverse needs of young, marginalized mothers in the outskirts of Denmark. Thirdly central empirical and theoretical lessons to be learned from the case is lifted forward and perspectives pointing onwards based on the linking of critical social innovation and health promotion concludes the article.

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