A strong feature of this Malmo Review is the twin focus on what it is trying to achieve and how it thinks it should be done. One key aim is a social investment strategy; the other aims for an inclusive process. Such a process entails good governance and involvement of civil society and relevant sections of the population. The Malmo report includes detailed and high quality information, which is of the utmost importance. I was particularly pleased to see in the Malmo Review: A society’s development can be judged by the general level of health and the degree of inequity in the distribution of health in the population. The substance of its recommendations – everyday conditions of children and young people, residential environment and urban planning, education, income and work, health care, sustainable development – are entirely consistent with those of the CSDH. What is fresh and important is the detailed attention to how these can be made concrete in the specific context of Malmo.Författare som medverkar i Socialmedicinsk tidskrift accepterar att deras verk publiceras under licensen Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. Denna licens tillåter att en tredje person delar ut författarens arbete (kopierar, distribuerar och sänder verket) och skapar bearbetningar av det under förutsättning att: författaren/na och/eller licensgivaren anges på ett korrekt sätt, verket inte används i kommersiellt syfte samt om verket återanvänds eller distribueras måste information tydligt anges om upphovsrättsvillkoren som gäller för verket.
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