Sårbarhet för smitta och bristande inkludering. Lärdomar under pandemin från intervjuer med trångbodda i Järva angående officiella råd, hinder och strategier


The Swedish covid-19 strategy has focused on the average citizen, which raises questions about the protection and inclusion of groups with less socioeconomic resources. In a study based on group interviews with residents in a socioeconomically vulnerable area, we explored potential obstacles against following the authorities' advice, what methods the residents used or were aware of to reduce the spread of infection and measures they themselves emphasized as important.

The study indicated increased exposure to covid-19, due to and combined with economic vulnerability, poor housing conditions, congestion in municipal transport and social isolation. At the same time, the interviewees had a readiness to adapt based on their own experiences and skills. The discussion addresses secondary side effects of socio-economic vulnerability as well as lessons learned.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Solvig Ekblad, Pirjo Savlin, Maria Albin, Antonios Georgelis